Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Seeing to believe?? In honor of Easter..

In today's world its hard for people to not over analyze their lives and leave certain things up to blind faith. This has been a problem for humans dating as far back as the bible. Thomas just did couldn't get his mind around the fact that Jesus had in fact, risen to heaven. He demanded to see and touch his wounds.

Why is it so hard for us to just do the best we can, plan as much as we can, and then just trust that everything will work out. This might be the hardest thing for any of us to do. We worry, especially women. Women worry ALOT. We worry about the men were seeing, (If they like us, if it will work out, will we get married, what about kids? is he cheating, will he cheat?, does his family like goes on and on) But women also worry about what their doing with their lives, where their careers are going, and if they are on the right path. We also spend a lot of time worrying about our friends and families. As much as I might reject the stereotype that women are homemakers, they are inherently kind and caring (for the most part).

We are unaware of what the opposite sex worries or spends most of their time thinking about and we worry about that as well. When it comes to relationships, in my experience worrying is a waste of time. The one that is meant to work out in the end will, and the others are not wasted time. The others... now this is what most people spend their lives worrying about (Once you find that person, you probably wont worry it will just fit)... the others. The others are what make us who we are. We learn about ourselves through our interactions with other people.

Just like when we were toddlers, we learned to walk, talk, and crawl by watching and imitating others. we follow this process in relationships. We learn what characteristics are important and which values we want to instill in ourselves and more importantly in our offspring. My point is that maybe instead of spending a good majority of our time figuring out the right an wrong way to handle a relationship or a friendship, we should just use these traits we have picked up. We should use our best judgement to do what we think is right, then close our eyes and pray for the courage to walk away and leave the rest to fate. I know....easier said than done...

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