Wednesday, February 27, 2008

the "5 P's"

When I was younger there is one phrase that always sticks out to me as being repeated over and over again. "Piss Poor Planning Provides Poor Performance". This was my fathers response to everything. Granted he grew up in a generation that blamed themselves for the problems in their life, unlike the current generation that seems to blame everyone but themselves. As I have continued through life, this phrase has stayed with me. My friends even tease me because I often regurgitate it to them to answer some of life's most frustrating questions. Today,  however I am applying this logic in a different previously untapped way. What if this really is the answer to everything? Anyone that has read the world renowned book the "secret" knows that this is a mental logic that escapes most of us. The book explains that everything you could possibly want is literally available to you determined by your minds capacity to believe it.

This is getting deeper than I had originally intended but you see where this is going. Everything can be affected by how you plan for it. Take relationships for example. This is a really hard subject for most people and even if they can mentally grasp the concept, actually living it out is a whole other story. Most people plan their lives to a certain degree. Married by 30.. kids by 35... partner by 37.. and so on. This is healthy it helps keep you on track I suppose, but what it doesn't do is allow for the plan to vere in an unexpected direction. Most people think about the things they want in a mate, physical beauty, intelligence, good sense of humor. There are a great deal of people in the world that fill these categories. Unfortunately if your like me, these things are all relative. Someone instantly becomes more attractive to you the minute you give them eyes across the bar and they don't respond, or wait three days to return a phone call.

We KNOW what we need to stay away from in this world to not get hurt... a hot stove.."Don't touch it".. a burning building, jumping out of an airplane, drugs, alcohol. But still.. we do it. Relationships are the same way. I for one can tell from the first 10 min of meeting a man if they are going to be trouble for me or possibly good for me.. but lets be real honest here for a second.. no one looks at Mr Trouble and says.. "you know.. you're probably really fun, but emotionally unavailable and there's a 99% chance that I'm going to walk away from this heartbroken and blaming myself so to avoid all that I would really rather stay with Mr Good."

NO. We go ahead and jump into that boat... thinking we can repair it.. or worse.. we can get off at any time. Most women go from relationship to relationship ignoring Mr Good and falling for Mr Trouble over and over again. My father, would take all the emotion out of relationships, they are business deals, bigger than business deals because your dealing with your life, your unborn children's lives... hey that's some serious stuff. He would say "Lauren Piss Poor Planning Provides Poor Performance.. you knew that this guy would do exactly what he did and yet, you lacked planning and a mere sense of self control.. and once again... your screwed.."


Anonymous said...

Shouldn't it be "6" Ps????

Anonymous said...

Fully insert foot into your mouth

Crazy girl in an even Crazier world? said...

Thats kinda of the point!